Adding Spice Models to LTspice
This tutorial is going to cover adding custom Spice models into your LTspice simulations and library. While it is very easy once you know how to do it, there are a couple pitfalls that can cause serious headaches if you are unaware.
How to Compute the IFFT using only the forward FFT
How can you calculate the IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transform) using only the forward FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)? It is easier than you think!
HP 50g Derivatives, Integrals, and Summations Tutorial
Arguably of the best reasons for getting a calculator with a CAS (computer algebra system) is to solve derivatives, integrals, and summations symbolically. Here’s how to do it with the HP 50g.
HP 50g Variables and Folders Tutorial
This is a basic tutorial on managing variables and folders on the HP 50g calculator. Deleting variables is easy once you know what to, but it gives people trouble at the start when learning how to use this calculator. Using folders effectively is important because it helps with organizing variables and lets you have more […]
HP 50g Basic Graphing Tutorial
Graphing on the HP 50g took me a while to get used to. You have to go through a few separate menus to create a nice looking graph. This threw me for a loop because I was used to a calculator that had most the options for creating a graph in one place. Here is […]
MATLAB Beginner’s Guide
This tutorial is meant to help you get started with MATLAB. It assumes you have never used MATLAB and will teach you the very basics of the program.